Water Removal for Ethanol Tank Conversion
Although ethanol-gasoline has many useful advantages, special attention must be given by the jobber/retailer prior to storage/dispensing of ethanol blended fuels. The biggest concern is the presence of water in the tank. Ethanol blends very well with gasoline, but also mixes readily with water. When water infiltrates a tank (through bad seals or gaskets, loose fittings, etc.), the ethanol in the ethanol-gasoline blend will absorb the water.
Contact with only a small amount of water can cause a “de-blending”, or phase separation of the blend. This translates into a layer of gasoline atop ethanol and water. The ethanol and water mixture can cause problems for vehicle fuel lines and ignition systems. Existing tank particulate matter and debris, as well as that loosened by the ethanol in the blended fuel can create similar problems, causing increased filter clogging, requiring filter changes.
Therefore, all tanks should be inspected and made water and debris free. Georgia Oilmen's Services (GOS) provides comprehensive services to determine the status of the fuel and conditions inside the tank. This process determines if the tank contains water and/or debris or if the tank is ready to accept ethanol blended fuel with no additional services necessary. Should the tank be found to contain debris and/or water, a tank bottom sweeping can be completed, whereby accessible debris and water is removed.
If required, and only if ethanol blend fuels have NOT already been introduced into the tank, GOS can clean the tank bottom with a pressure spray to loosen particulate matter that is not removable with the sweeping action. With this process, a known volume of water is pressure sprayed along the bottom of the tank. All injected water, plus recoverable excess particulate matter and water is then pumped from the tank. GOS can also inspect the tank top components of each tank and replace gaskets and seals, as necessary. Please note that UST component inspection should be completed to prevent any on-going source of water/debris introduction into the tank. Tank component inspection and repair is recommended, as any continued accrual of water and debris in the tank will result in the requirement to re-clean the tank, at further expense to the tank owner.
Please contact us to learn more about our water removal services.